Jan 6, 2010

Congrats, Hawk

I'll admit that when I saw that Andre Dawson was elected to the Hall of Fame today, my first thought was not that another Red Sox outfielder will be enshrined - the third in the last two years.

No, my thought was that Bert Blyleven and Roberto Alomar should have gotten a call today. I can understand that some voters have a hang up with first-timers like Alomar, but how long does Blyleven have to hang out to dry?

Here's how other SoxandPhils fared in the balloting: Lee Smith (47.3 percent), Dale Murphy (11.7 percent) and Ellis Burks (0.4 percent).

Although the Hall of Fame voting block often confounds logic, fortunately none were foolish enough to vote for former Phillies Mike Jackson or Todd Zeile.

[Photo Credit: SonsofSamHorn.net]

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