Someone tipped off Paul Hagen that former Phillies third base coach Steve Smith is on The Amazing Race. We had heard about that a while ago.
I guess I knew that Clay Buchholz was engaged to a starlet, but I didn't know she was one of the briefcase holders on Deal or No Deal. Is that show even on anymore?
Young Clay married the game show model, Lindsay Clubine, in November. Congrats to the couple. Just learn a lesson from the Hamels: no births during the playoffs.
Speaking of Cole Hamels and Heidi Strobel (Survivor), what's the deal with SoxandPhils pitchers marrying TV chickies? There's also Kyle Kendrick, who is engaged to Survivor's Stephanie LaGrossa.
By the way, given my affinity for '80s cheese, I should point out that all Survivor references are to the TV show, not the band.
[Photo credit: sonsofsamhorn.net]
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