Feb 22, 2010

'Legends' falls short

We're not clearing out just our DVR lately, but also our "to-watch" pile of DVDs.

We recently caught Legends of the Fall, the 2009 Phillies video yearbook.

I guess it's perfunctory. There's only one little bit that got us excited (I'll get to that later), and the World Series loss was glossed over as if it were a spring training game. (Christine can't even remember whether they acknowledged that the Phillies didn't win.)

I also have a problem with the title. "Legends" implies greatness. Yes, it's remarkable that the 2008 World Champions returned to the World Series the next year, but they needed to win it in 2009 to be proclaimed legendary.

We were pleased when Raul Ibanez, the film's narrator, talked about the Phillies series in Tampa. Raul missed the series due to injury, and in the video he laments that he didn't get the opportunity to meet Elvis Burrell as he got his championship ring and woofed that now he's going to Disney World to celebrate.

1 comment:

Matty said...

They might not be "legends" yet, but you have to admit that the title is catchy.