Apr 16, 2009

What a strange start

It has been different rooting for the Red Sox ever since Oct. 27, 2004. It was strange getting used to the fact that your players - whose history had been a mix of lovable losers and chokers - were champions.

Similarly, I knew 2009 would be a strange year for the Phillies, but I can't believe how odd it has been. A combination of pomp for the 2008 championship, memorializing Harry Kalas, a rainout and scheduling conflicts that have kept Christine and me from watching several games has given the start of the season such a disjointed feel.

I hope that after this weekend things can get back to normal, but I feel that it's just not going to happen for the Phils this year. (Christine, naturally disagrees.) I just have the sense that this is one of those seasons where they can't steady the cart after a rickety start. If that's the case, it would be a small price to pay for the great times we had in 2007 and 2008.

Phillies lost to the Nationals 8-2; Red Sox were off.

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