Apr 10, 2008

A season takes its stride

A couple of signs tonight that the season is starting to get into its groove. When the Phillies were struggling but unable to take a lead in regulation, Christine started her whiny grumble for the first time of the year. When this happens, I threaten to cut her off from the game. She doesn't appreciate it.

Then, the game goes extra innings and will likely bump into our viewing of The Daily Show.

The Red Sox game was cruising along until (it appears from the box score) that Manny Delcarmen and Julian Taverez (I call him Orange Julius) decided to try to let the Tigers back into it. Now we've burned Hideki Okajima for 1/3 of an inning and Jonathan Papelbon for more than an inning in a 12-6 win the day before the Empire invades.

Hopefully the Yankees will continue playing like old men this weekend, and Jed Lowrie has a memorable debut.

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