Feb 5, 2008

Swear jar

I refuse to call the Expos the Nationals. Christine will probably refuse to call the Tampa Bay Devil Rays the Tampa Bay Rays.

We might be in trouble this year when our teams play these division lightweights because the D-Rays are going after bloggers who don't respect the new name.

It turns out the team's front office has a sort of swear jar for employees who forget the organization is no longer devilish.

At least it's for charity, and David Pinto of Baseball Musings is a good sport about it.

Not-so-good sports: Patriots and Giants fans. I root for both teams and can't decide which fan base is reacting worse to the game. Patriots fans: You got beat, deal with it. Giants fans: Your team won an amazing game, cherish the win and don't worry about whom you beat. {Ha! This coming from the person who will. not. shut. up. when the Red Sox beat the Yankees. Or about anything involving the Yankees.}


Greg said...

Not even a close comparison. Red Sox/Yankees is a battle of good and evil. It's about having a fair competition where one team doesn't buy a quarter of the championships. What we saw last Sunday was nothing but pure sport at its finest.

Anonymous said...

Blah, blah, blah. Patriots fans can't whine, but you always do. Giants fans can't gloat, but you always do.

And that's besides the point that no one thinks the Patriots are pure and good and fair. Spygate, anyone?

Greg said...

The Empire is the only team I gloat against. Did I say anything about the Cardinals, Angels, Indians or Rockies after those playoff defeats? No, I did not.