Feb 15, 2008

Fat chance

I'm not exactly thrilled that our ace has a bigger gut than me.

At least the Boston Herald report accompanying this photo says it's not as bad as it looks.

I'm sure he'll be lean and mean in October. {Fat chance.}

Still, maybe he shouldn't have had so many celebratory beers and should have drank white grape juice like Jamie Moyer.

Etc.: Watched about 10 minutes of my Valentine's present: the champs' DVD. It has me psyched. The intro connects the '04 and '07 championships and I'm ready for No. 3 in '08. {Who was it that claimed he doesn't need a championship every year??}

Christine said when she was ordering it, they kick in the '04 DVD for free. Who would order the '07 DVD who didn't already have the one from the great '04? And among the bonus features is a moose hunt with Papelbon. That's going to be great.

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