Jul 13, 2010

A different All-Star game

Obviously, my priorities have changed since last week. I'm just not into the All-Star Game as much as I have been in previous years. I don't have the interest or energy to go blow-by-blow tonight.

But I did enjoy watching the introductions with Trent. We cheered all the Red Sox and Phillies. When Derek Jeter popped on the screen, Trent, who is probably a little young to know how to boo, reacted in the best way he could: He screamed from unhappiness. I'm so proud.

In the 6th, AL 1, NL 0.


Matty said...

Yeah, you are training him well. And he seems to already know the players.

Christine said...

I'm so proud - my two boys sitting on the couch, booing the Yankees.