May 16, 2010

Diver down

Christine and I were running errands this afternoon when the radio played Rainbow in the Dark by Ronnie James Dio, who is one of SoxandPhils' favorite characters.

Usually, when we hear a random song like this, one of us would joke, "What did he die or something?"

We didn't say that today, but the DJ came on with the sad news: Dio has taken his final dive. He is now a Holy Diver.

How sad that Dio is gone and it happened the day after Pat Burrell, who used to come to bat to Dio's iconic tune, was released by the Rays.

I wonder whether Rays GM Andrew Friedman feels guilty today.

At this moment, all we can do is huddle with Elvis and let out a good howl for a silenced voice.

Today's games: The Red Sox followed up losing in extra innings yesterday with a walk-off walk with a listless 5-1 loss today to the Tigers. It's getting harder and harder to keep my patience.

The Phillies are off to a good start on Sunday Night Baseball, leading the Brewers 2-0 in the 2nd.

[Photo credit: Associated Press]

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