Dec 22, 2008

A new foe

We spend a lot of time here at SoxandPhils analyzing the ridiculous or offensive statements made toward our teams by the Yankees and Mets.

Today emerged a new trash-talking enemy to both of our teams: Collin Balester, a rookie who pitched in 15 games last year - including three losses against the Phillies. He said no other team, including the last two World Champions, should bother showing up for the playoffs should Mark Teixeira sign with the Nationals - a likely scenario given his top suitors claim they have dropped out of the bidding.

{Yeah right. He's going to end up in Boston. Too bad he won't help them get past the Rays.}

Teixeira, Balester said, would transform the Nationals from losing 102 games to sweeping the World Series.

"That guy is a great player and if he comes to the nation's capitol, watch out, we're going to the World Series and we are winning it all. I'm calling it right now. We're playing four games in the World Series, sweep, see ya!"

Now Teixeira, although probably overrated, is a good player, but he's not that good. At best, Mr. Balester, Tex could elevate you past riffraff like the Mets.

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