May 21, 2011

Thanks, Fox

In an effort to be more positive, we won't complain that we had to give away tickets to tonight's game instead of taking Trent to his first game because of Fox's bonehead decision to move some Saturday games to the night instead of the afternoon.

Nope, we're just going to enjoy the wonderful day we had with our son.

Trent woke up in an exceptional mood that did not diminish all day, even though he took just two 20-minute naps by dinner. We took care of some things for his upcoming first birthday party, went to our local zoo (he was engrossed by a recently shorn alpaca) and then capped it off by taking him out for ice cream (we give him little tastes and he gets cranky when the spoon goes into our mouths instead of his). And, of course, he played as hard as an 11-month-old can.

With the ice cream-fueled sugar kick, he stayed up a little later than normal, so he did get to see a portion of tonight's game.

It was such a great day that we're no longer bitter toward Fox. Although Trent would have been adorable on Phan-o-Vision. (And, he would have gotten to see the Phillies beat the Rangers 2-0.)

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